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Comment Blog Send to @mail at Blogspot

Comment Blog Send to @mail

Hi Friends, I'm glad to meet you again at this post. At this opportunity, i will give you a tips. Possibly this tips a lot have known it, however don't close possibility is which not yet known it. This tips is about every your visitor give a comment at your blog automatically sending to your @mail inbox. So that every the comment entering in blog direct in sending automatically to your @mail, hence you have to do setting at setting tab. This is the steps :

Blogger has supported Read more function Blogspot

Blogger has supported Read more function

Blogger has supported Read more function - To complete the 10th anniversary gifts, now blogger has added one awaited button by thousands bloggers all around the world, it is "Jump Break" button or "More" button or "Read more" button that has function to cut off the article on homepage or known as "read more function".

How to change the template Blogspot

How to change the template

At this opportunity, I will discuss about how to change template in First matter to be in considering in changing template is you have to make a backing up your old template, this good for if you feeling not match with your newly template. if you not yet known the way to back up template, please read at the post how to backup template, and also don't forget to back up your widgets (this is very important). For back up your widgets, please read at the post how to backup your widgets.

Silver Mood Flash Themes - Wordpress

How to do blog settings in blogger

How to do blog settings in blogger

The first important thing you should do to make your blog in blogger have the best performance is to do some Settings. As your inspirations on how to do blog settings in blogger, the following, Blogspot Tutorial writes how to setup blog in blogger:

Tutorial in creating blog in Blogspot

Tutorial in creating blog in Blogspot

1. What is Blog?

Blog is short for "Web log", which is a a web application containing note or writing that are usually called "post" and displaying on the web pages. The posts are often displayed orderly based on the age or based on the time when the writing is written and published, so when you view a blog, you will first find the latest posts, top to bottom of the web page and the first to the last page, if the blog has had more than one web page.
For the first time, blog was created as the online private notes, but along with its development and popularity, blog has various types of contents or writings such as tutorial (e.g. this blog), sharing, business, etc. In general, blogs seem not to have the difference with the sites on the Internet.

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