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Building WordPress Themes You Can Sell

When I took my first steps into the WordPress theme arena, I didn’t know much about it. I wandered blindly into the business, not knowing whether I was doing things correctly. Over time, through trial and error and making rookie mistakes, I learned some valuable lessons and gained important insights.

100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes

High-quality WordPress themes always come in handy. Whether you are looking for some design inspiration or professional coding solutions — in both cases you can learn a lot, you can apply them and you can build customized designs upon them without reinventing the wheel all the time.

Really Useful Free Business Card Templates - Part III

Water business card templates

Water business card templates

Really Useful Free Business Card Templates - Part II

Free Business Card

Free Business Card

Really Useful Free Business Card Templates - Part I

Being different is the mantra for success. When you meet your client for the first time, the first thing you do is to handover your business card to the client.
Now if the business card is a regular one with same old Arial black font, chances are there that your client looses his interest in your work. To stand out you have to be different and business cards are the best way out to show your creativity.

Organic Formula Flash Themes - Wordpress

Neutral Flash Themes - Wordpress

Laguna Flash Themes - Wordpress

Make a marquee effect

What is the marquee? Marquee is a HTML code to make an object can moving or walk. Marquee code is a popular code because many blogger using this code at them blog's. Marquee effect can make by using <marquee>...</marquee> tag . However marquee just work if viewed at Internet explorer, if you looking at Firefox it's bad looking.

Hi every body ! meet you again at my new tutorial. Several weeks ago, I'm ever posting about How to make a drop down menu at this post. One of my reader ask to me, it's the question :

How to Remove the Number of Label

Somebody ask to me, how how to remove teh number of label? allright, do you understand the meaning of the above question? please take a look at the following picture :

Add a Clock to Your Blog

So that your blog see interesting and beautiful, you can add some blog accessories, one of them is by add a Clock. If you interesting to add a clock to your blog, you can get it for free at site. The example of clock from is like this :

Add Favicon to Your Blog URL Address

Do you ever seen your blog URL? what do you see beside your blog URL? yea.. beside your blog URL address is a blogger icon, 

How to Make a Logo and Image Button

If you are which have ever been skilled use graphical design program such as adobe photoshop, coreldraw and another program, make a logo is not a difficult work, and possible this tutorial not interesting to reading. However perhaps there are some from the readers is same with with me that is not expert at graphical design program, you can use the site provide this service. One of the sites which provide this service is

How to Upload an Image to Image Hosting

Hi brother/sister meet you again at my new tips. In this opportunity I will try to give you a tips about how to upload an image/picture to image hosting.

Add Digg Button to Post Page

Do you know I'm sure you know about, because is a most popular site in the world. With you can discover and share your blog content. So it's one of the way to increse your blog traffic. But I do not want to converse many hitting about, which I will focussed is the step of installing the digg button on your page post.

Add a Statistic and Tracker to Blog

Do you know how many do totalizing the visitor which have paid a visit to your blog? where are they come from? search engine or other blog?

Add a User Online Tracker to Blog

How many people is online at your blog? you know that or don't? If you don't know how many people is online at your blog, you can use a free tracker to know it. That is much site provide this service. Once of them is If you use them tool, you can know how many people online at your blog, how many people was visited to your blog, and any function. This is once of example :

Add a shoutbox to blog

Once of my friend ask to me, how to add a shoutbox to blog?

Allright, before i answer this question you must know what is shoutbox? shoutbox is a little box for sending a short message, with shoutbox you can chat with your blog visitor. An example of shoutbox is be like this :

Make a Table Of Content

Boring with Error Message

Boring with error message "Widget IDs should be unique" ?

Possibly you ever have the pip when doing Edit HTML at your template code always experience of failure with error message like this :

Add Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons to blog

If you often chatting with yahoo! messenger, possibly you will familiar with emoticons such as :                  
How to adding Yahoo Emoticons to your post? there is very easy. You just add the codes to your post, what you want to put. However when you post an article, you must choose edit html tab tab, don't at compose tab tab. This is the codes :

Add Google talk to blog (2)

Several days ago, a was post how to add Google Talk. now, i will post about this topic again, why? because there are some of bloggers feel google talk at this post is to big for added at sidebar.

Add Yahoo! Messenger to Blog

Do you know what is Yahoo! messenger? I sure you is surely knew it. Yahoo! messenger is one of service very popular in the world. Then what his relation with blog? some blogger wish to be in his blog attached yahoo ! messenger icon , hence if him online in yahoo! messenger can in knowing by his blog visitor and also can easy to in contacting for chatting. If you ask to me, can yahoo! messenger icon add at blog? the answer is can, and not only that, we can choose icon what is will add. The choice is differentiated in 10 choice, you remain to choose style ID which which is compatible according to your :

Recent Posts and Recent Comments at Sidebar

Many from bloggers wish insatlling the widget of Recent post and Recent post at sidebar, and for this matter is several blogger creating recent post and recent comment widget by JavaScript, However i think that is not good for your blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Besides not good to SEO, installation JavaScript risk to slow down your blog loading, so that matter it's can make your visitor don't feel balmy.
To install recent post and recent comments, be in fact you can use your blog feed address. this is the address of Recent Post :

Make a News Paper Style Drop Caps

Make a News Paper Style Drop Caps

Do you have read a magazine or newspaper? the answer is surely have. In this opportunity I will study concerning how do to make an alphabet which in printing bigger in comparing with other ordinary alphabet such as in writing in a newspaper or magazine. For example :
Many the way to back up the data in Widgets / page element, but I'm limitation of time to comment it in detail, hence I will try explain just two way, that is backing up directly from Page element and also backup from template source code.

Add Google Talk to Blog google talk

Add Google Talk to Blog

google talk
I'm sure you are surely knew what is the Google Talk, with Google talk you can send instant messages, make voice calls, leave voice mail messages, transfer files and etc, however of course must with other Google user. Do you know, now you can add Google talk to your blog? not yet known its way? please follow the steps following :


How To Make a drop down Menu

How To Make a drop down Menu

Do you ever seen the menu such as below? please click at the menu to see the effect of this menu :
The name of this menu is drop down menu.
To make the dropdown menu, you only make the code be like this :

Add a Search Engine to Your Blog

Add a Search Engine to Your Blog

One of my friend ask to me, how to add a search engine in blogger like this?

Ruby Fasion Flash Themes - Wordpress


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